How do we operate and how much does it cost to access the Caledonic web pages?
Before you sign up for one of our subscription offers please read and digest the following
information. We want you to understand how our web pages operate and the nature of the
service we provide. We have made this as brief and as clear as possible.
We provide an extensive, comprehensive and continuously updated service for the price of a
good whisky book. But it is more than just a book - no single book can possibly have so
many pages or references!
With Caledonic you have an extensive and easily personalisable library of whisky reference
that is accessible direct from your computer, laptop or notepad at any time, date or place
in the world. A library that is always at your fingertips whenever you have access to the internet.
Caledonic is a subscription led service.We charge for access to our
internet pages and the income we receive from the subscriptions we raise, as well as from any
whisky-related items we supply, covers our costs and makes our profit.
Caledonic does not and will never sell, or give away, your internet details to anybody.
We do not sell advertising space on our pages to other companies.
Caledonic does not accept payments from other companies or third parties for information given on our web pages and we not do we seek such payments.
Neither have we asked for or receive commissions or other payments for providing links or information to other companies or third parties.
All links we give are given on a no cost or fee basis and are given purely because we feel they are of use or interest to our readers.
In some cases these links are provided because of our own personal experience of the information or service provided.
Where this is the case it is clearly stated.
However, we are not responsible for the information supplied by these links and do not
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All such information is provided for the purpose of information only and any decisions made to access
these links or purchase through them will be made as a basis of your own personal decision and not
because Caledonic has asked or encouraged you to make such choices.
... all this for the price of a good whisky book!